Lifestyle Photography

The human race has a preferred style of living called “LIFESTYLE” which is generally identified with the era of Renaissance. The word was first introduced by Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler in his famous book, The Case of Miss R. with the slightly different interpretation of “life-shaping principles”. According to him, LIFESTYLE is the prevailing attitude, interests, behaviors, and orientations of a group, individual, or society.

In this new light, LIFESTYLE is a concept that could be applied to different parts of life – starting from your personal identity and interests, to your social media interactions, to your workplace and leisure activities. This book maintains that human psychology evolves around three major perspectives: the individual, the society, and the knoll, which is, the collective unconscious or the subconscious. Each of these three perspectives brings a unique perspective to the way in which human beings live their lives.

In the study of LIFESTYLE, the individual’s perspective is grounded on the self, on one’s own persona, values, thoughts, ideas, and desires. This is why it is called self-limited or private LIFESTYLE. The other two perspectives of LIFESTYLE are broader in scope, referring not just to the individual but also to the society or the group they belong to, or the Knoll. However, according to some psychologists, this broad approach does not offer enough insight into individuals’ personalities, and the value system they possess. For these reasons, many social media professionals have taken up studying and practicing LIFESTYLE on a more personal level.

This personal insight can be achieved in several ways, through different mediums. First, the photographer can pose the subject for the best lifestyle shots and use natural light from surrounding areas to illuminate them as much as possible. Another way to do so is to use studio lights and filters, which can actually create artificial light effects that could heighten the impact of certain poses, thus heightening the subject’s presence and significance in the LIFESTYLE images. Finally, the best lifestyle photography sessions depend on candid moments, as the photographer captures the innocent and playful side of people, which may have been concealed under the shadow of everyday circumstances.

There is no single best Lifestyle photography style. Different photographers have their own individual touch. Some prefer black and white and sepia filters while others like to use Polaroid technology for Lifestyle photography, as it allows for a greater depth of field. However, there is one tool that all good Lifestyle photographers should have in their repertoire: the camera. The camera is both the platform and the lens for capturing the perfect shot.

Some of the most popular Lifestyle photographs include shots from the pages of New York Times Magazine’s “New York Times Back-to-The-Land Movement” section, which was featured in the August/September issue. The back-to-the-land movement was born at the end of the twentieth century and was documented in many art museums all over the world. In this article from the New York Times, photographer Hiroji Kubota was given an assignment to take pictures of people in the “New York Times Back-to-The-Land Section.” He and his assistant were given permission to roam around the grounds of the prestigious institution, snapping anything they saw. From this collection, Kubota was able to compile his amazing images into a book entitled New York Times Back-to-the-landers: A Portrait.